Indie Breakdown
Welcome to indie breakdown where we breakdown your favorite indie comic characters powers, gadgets, and stats in preparation for the inevitable indie vs battle.
If you want us to breakdown your character fill out the form below to schedule your Indie breakdown interview.
Thank you for being part this journey and until next time...
Midnight is Coming

The Delta dogs 7 superpowered cousins who got their powers from a mysterious green entity find themselves entangled in a gang war.Though most have the durability, speed and strength of the average human their powers give them the necessary edge to make this group of teens a force to be reckoned with.

From powerless citizen to the symbol of hope for Nickel City. Black Bow vows to end the corruption of his city and sets his sights on ending corruption in the world as whole with the ancient powers of Anu.

The Delta dogs 7 superpowered cousins who got their powers from a mysterious green entity find themselves entangled in a gang war.Though most have the durability, speed and strength of the average human their powers give them the necessary edge to make this group of teens a force to be reckoned with.

Indie VS
With the completion of Indie breakdown we enter the next phase.
Indie Vs.
A show where we take your favorite indie comic book characters and pit them against one another. We will take everything we know about them based on their current comic runs and the interview with the creators via our indie breakdown series and determine who would win an
Indie Vs matchup.
If you want to enter your character into the vs matchup fill out the indie breakdown form above to schedule your Indie interview.
And remember until next time...
Midnight is Coming
*If you want an early look at indie breakdown and indie vs join our patreon. There you will get the matchups and vs months in advance*
Want a full breakdown of your character?
Were you unable to get on the show? Are you interested in getting a character breakdown? No worries we got you.

Character Breakdown
Do you want a video breakdown of your character's powers, stats, and abilities? Let us quantify all of the feats and abilities of your character.