A covert operations room inside a futuristic, high-tech facility. Various screens display the Earth, a looming alien fleet, and hero profiles. In the foreground, Absolver, Metro Man, Super Termite and Taharqa are gathered around a holographic map of Earth.

Location:Pharaoh Industries, Mission Briefing Room.
Close-up on Idrissa, a member of the infiltration team, handing over a data drive to Taharqa, the head of Pharaoh Industries.

Here’s the intel.
Good work, Idrissa. We’ll need every advantage we can get.

Close-up on a monitor, showing a massive alien fleet moving toward Earth, with an asteroid field in the background.
Ezekiel (off-panel):“
Enemy forces have crossed the asteroid field. They’ll be within Earth’s atmosphere in less than 24 hours.”
Cut to Taharqa addressing the Heavy Hitter Squad (Absolver, Metro Man, Super Termite).
We’ve received the intel from the infiltration team. Veles and her forces are en route.
Taharqa points to the holographic map of Earth, showing a trajectory of the alien fleet approaching.
Alright Team, your objective is to intercept and neutralize Veles’ forces before they reach any major population centers. The fate of Earth depends on you.

Close-up on Absolver, arms crossed, looking serious. Metro Man cracks his knuckles, a confident smirk on his face.
Metro Man:
“With my strength and speed, they won’t know what hit them.”
Super Termite looks focused.

Super Termite: Let’s make sure we’re not the ones caught off guard. What are we up against?
Close-up on Taharqa, pointing at the holographic display, where stats and weaknesses of three enemies appear.
We have three primary targets. Idrissa has provided intel on their abilities and weaknesses. Listen carefully.

A silhouette of the first enemy appears on the display.

Taharqa (off-panel):
Enemy 1: Vortex. Cosmic wind manipulation, energy projection, extremely durability, super strength and speed. Metro man your strength and heat vision should be enough to overpower her quickly so you can assist the other two.
The second enemy appears—a more nimble, tech-enhanced alien warrior.

Taharqa (off-panel):
Enemy 2: Metal Head. Cyborg with the ability to grow up to 10 feet, shoot lasers from his mouth, he can fly and is equipped with shoulder guns and has weaponized drones he can utilize. Not to mention due to his anatomy he also has super strength and durability. Absolver, we're counting on you to handle this.
The third enemy—a towering alien with heavy armor—looms on the display.

Taharqa (off-panel):
Enemy 3: Brimstone. Terraforming, terrain manipulation, body hardening/liquifying, superhuman strength, durability, and limb regeneration. You’ll need to overwhelm his defenses to bring him down. Super Termite this enemy is all yours.
Taharqa points to an icon representing Veles’ main strategy on the display.

Veles’ forces usually scout planets first. Then, they send a vanguard to weaken the planet’s defenses and capture worthy heroes to bolster their ranks.
Absolver clenches his fist. Metro Man, gives a determined look.
Metro Man:
Let’s make sure this is the last planet they invade.
The alien fleet hovers above Earth’s atmosphere. Smaller ships break off, descending toward the planet. Veles’ forces begin their assault. Close-up on Veles, sitting on her command throne, watching the invasion unfold. Her Dark Cabal surrounds her.

“The Earth’s defenders have no idea what’s coming. Begin the assault. Capture whoever survives.”
Her cabal nods, preparing for battle. One of them,Vortex, smirks as she speaks.
“Without the supreme here, these heroes won’t stand a chance.”
The Heavy Hitter team gathers in front of a massive hangar, boarding a ship that will take them to the battlefield.

Super Termite:
Once we land, we need to keep them away from civilians. They’ll go after anything that breathes. Stick to the plan, and we’ll minimize casualties.
The ship takes off, cutting through the sky toward Veles' ships.
Taharqa (off-panel):
Remember, no holding back. We have to stop them here.
The Heavy Hitter team leaps from the ship, descending toward the battlefield where enemy forces have already landed. Alien soldiers swarm the area.
Metro Man (shouting):
Let’s get this over with!
Metro Man flies in first, punching through the hull of an enemy ship, sending shockwaves through the area.
Sound FX:WHAM!
Super Termite uses his wings to zip through the battlefield, knocking down soldiers and dismantling tech as he goes.

Focus on the big ones! Leave these foot soldiers to our other teams!
Close-up on Absolver, his energy aura flaring up as he confronts Metal Head, the cyborg brute of Veles’ vanguard.

Absolver squints his eyes and prepares to attack
Metal Head swings his massive fist toward Absolver, but Absolver dodges with ease,

Metal head:
We’ll crush you like I did the ones back on the ship.
Absolver slashes at Metalhead's shoulder guns, Metal head dodges and blasts him with lasers. Absolver begins to writhes in pain.
Metro Man squares off against Vortex, who is able to swiftly dodge using her wind abilities to out maneuver him.

You need to be quicker than that, Earthman!
Metro Man, grinning, uses his heat vision to blast at Vortex.
Metro Man: Didn’t see that coming. Did you?!
Vortex barely dodges the lasers and notices that she’s been grazed on her shoulder. Metro Man lands next to her, ready to finish the job.
Brimstone, the final enemy, struggles to catch Super Termite as he flies around his head

You don’t realize how outmatched your little team is.
Brimstone grabs Super Termite and slams him on the ground.
Metro Man looks shocked as Super Termite and Absolver are tossed to the side as Metal Head and Brimstone stand united alongside Vortex ready for the final showdown.
Metro Man retreats.
Veles watches from above, her expression one of cold calculation.

They fight well, but it won’t be enough. Veles rises from her throne, with a devilish grin.
Prepare for my arrival.
