Baltimore, MD, 4:00 PM, Tuesday. The city is under siege. Alien warships hover over the skyline, with Veles’ forces trampling through the streets. Civilians flee in terror as heroes take action in the distance.
The city is burning. Baltimore is only the beginning. The Children of Chaos have come, led by the warlord Veles. Their goal: Conquest and Annihilation.

And now, Earth’s heroes are the last line of defense.
Metro Man hovers above the Baltimore skyline, eyes scanning the chaos. He’s bruised and bloody from his previous battle with the Children of Chaos. Metro man is still determined.
Metro Man (Thought Bubble):
Super Termite… Absolver… I'm sorry.
Close-up of Metro Man’s stern expression as he activates his communicator.
Metro Man (Speaking):
“Amory. Warstar. Braven. Oni Hunter. Aegis. We’re the last line of defense. Absolver and Super Termite… they’re gone.”
The team—Amory, Warstar, Braven, Oni Hunter, and Aegis—appear on Metro Man’s communicator. They look grim but focused.
Warstar (On Communicator):
“Then it’s down to us.”
Amory (On Communicator):
“We can’t let this end here. What’s the plan?”
Metro Man floats downward, focusing on the enemy warships as explosions rock the city below.
Metro Man (Speaking):
“We split up. Aegis, take point on Brimstone—keep him off balance. Warstar, neutralize Vortex. Amory, Braven, and Oni Hunter, you’re with me. We take out Metal Head and rescue the hostages.”
Taharqa (on comms):
It’s time for the final stand.

The team arrives at the Baltimore Aquarium—massive alien soldiers guard the entrances. Hostages are visible inside through shattered glass walls. The team lands with determination, chaos all around.
Amory (Whispering):
“There are civilians inside. No mistakes.”
Close-up of Braven as he pulls out a small device, analyzing the battlefield with precision.
Braven (Speaking):
“I’ll disable their communication. That’ll buy us some time.”
Amory, and Oni Hunter stand by as Metro Man leads the charge through the enemy line, slamming into alien soldiers with a fiery punch.
Metro Man (Shouting):
“Let’s save them.”
Warstar soars high above the battlefield, zeroing in on Vortex, who is generating violent cosmic winds.
Warstar (Speaking to Self):
“Time to silence this storm.”
Warstar unleashes a deafening sonic blast toward Vortex, disrupting her wind manipulation. Vortex winces, her power faltering.
Vortex (Shouting):
“You won’t stop the winds of chaos!”
Close-up of Warstar as he absorbs the sound of the winds, amplifying his power.
Warstar (Speaking):
“Watch me.”
Vortex charges at Warstar, creating a spiraling vortex of wind around her. Warstar counters with a focused sonic blast, the soundwaves disintegrating the winds around them.
Aegis sprints through a ravaged part of the city, heading toward Brimstone, who is manipulating the ground beneath him. Buildings crumble as he raises jagged stone walls to shield himself.
Aegis (Shouting):
“Brimstone! Face me!”
Brimstone turns, sneering as he hardens his stone skin. His massive form looms over Aegis.
Brimstone (Speaking):
“You’re too late, Aegis. This world will be ours.”
Aegis charges with her twin golden scythes, slashing through Brimstone’s stone barriers with ease, as sparks fly.
Aegis (Shouting):
“Not while I still stand!”
Close-up of Aegis’s she deflects incoming attack from Brimstone.
Inside the Baltimore Aquarium, Metro Man, Amory, Braven, and Oni Hunter have breached the entrance. Alien soldiers flood toward them, armed with advanced weaponry.
Metro Man (Shouting):
“Protect the civilians!”
Braven deploys an EMP device, frying the aliens’ communication systems as Amory unleashes precise cellular energy eye beams, targeting alien soldiers with lethal precision.
Amory (Shouting):
“We’ve got this! Cover me!”
Oni Hunter cuts through several enemies with brutal efficiency, his combat skills honed from years of fighting supernatural forces.
Oni Hunter (Speaking):
“These aren’t demons… but they fall the same.”
Metro Man crashes into an alien, knocking it back through the aquarium wall. Glass shatters as he turns toward the hostages.
Metro Man (Speaking):
“Let’s get these people out of here.”
Back outside, Warstar and Vortex’s fight escalates, the sky above them a swirling storm of wind and sound.
Warstar (Thinking):
She’s too strong… but if I amplify one more time…
Warstar absorbs all the sound around him, his body glowing with energy as he prepares one final sonic blast.
Warstar (Shouting):
“For Earth!”
The sonic wave explodes from Warstar, tearing through Vortex’s windstorm and sending her crashing to the ground.
Vortex (Screaming):
Warstar lands, exhausted but victorious, as Vortex lies unconscious in a crater.
Aegis stands over Brimstone, who lies defeated in a pile of rubble.
Aegis (Speaking):
“You’re done. Earth isn’t yours.”
Metro Man and the team regroup outside the aquarium, having successfully evacuated the hostages. Amory and Oni Hunter are winded but smiling.
Metro Man (Speaking):
“Hostages are safe. Brimstone and Vortex are down. What’s the status of the enemy forces?”
Warstar and Aegis, appearing on the communicator, report back.
Warstar (Speaking):
“Vortex is neutralized. Minimal collateral damage.”
Aegis (Speaking):“Brimstone won’t be a problem anymore.”
The team stands victorious, the alien ships extract the chidlren of chaos through homing beams as they retreat into space. Civilians cheer from the distance as the final panel shows the team united in front of the Baltimore skyline.

Taharqa: They came to destroy us. But today, Earth stands united.
Meanwhile in deep space an entity is watching the events unfold waiting for his opportunity to strike.

The Age of Annihilation draws near.