So we've taken part in plenty of interviews over the course of the last year and we wanted to share those with you all. This has been a long time coming and we from here on out we will proceed to post the interviews as they are released.
What we hope to accomplish first is for you guys to hear more about us and the universes that we are constructing. Second we want you to check out the various podcasts that we've been apart of and enjoy their content.
The first entry will be our interviews with FTO Nerd talk. Dee has been awesome and huge supporter of Midnight Comics since the beginning. So its only right that we post the amazing interviews Tosha and myself had with him.
As the title below implies the first interview is with Toshi J. during the "Week of Midnight" event on FTO Nerd Talk
This interview includes yours truly during the "Week of Midnight" event on FTO Nerd Talk
We want to end of by saying if you're not following FTO Nerd Talk you're doing yourself a disservice. Please like and subscribe to their YouTube channel and follow them on