As you all know we attended our first convention this past weekend. I can say it was a huge success. Not only did we meet a lot of awesome people (which we will talk about in a moment. We sold out of our flagship series "The Unbeloved" completely. Yes, both Chapters (Chapter 0 and Chapter 1). Like wow are you kidding me and believe it or not August 7th was actually our one year anniversary being in business.
So sales were good that's great but the most important thing (to us) were the people we met. We had to the opportunity to meet people that have been in the indie game way longer than us and got some words of wisdom from them. Not only that but to hear that some of them have been looking forward to seeing our stuff. I was speechless and slick fanboying.
We definitely wanted to take a moment and thank Dee with FTO Nerd Talk. Lonzo, Onaji and the whole crew over at Konkret Comics, Tyler with Godhood comics, Jason with Lost Children of Andromeda, Mitchell and Drew from TDF Comics and Games and everyone else that we met. The experience was truly amazing and the encouragement that was provided was much needed and appreciated.
We also received an awesome spoiler free review of our first issue from a gentleman by the name of Mitchell. He is with TDF Comics and Games and following our conversations we have been invited to their free comic book day. The excitement is real and honestly I'm in disbelief that they requested that we come to their event.
I don't want to make this post longer than it needs to be so thank you all for the continued support and I hope you all enjoy this photo dump from the event.
PS: We met Karan Ashley yall, like as we were packing up literally walked right by her. So freakin awesome we definitely had to take a picture with her. (Most of the pictures are on our instagram. So don't forget to follow us on there if you not already.)
