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What if Gero activated the Androids Early? Pt.1

Gero: It worked with Android 8 but…

Gero looks at the failed attempts 13, 14, and 15.

Gero: Was he a fluke? No!!! There has to be a way.

Narrator: Gero looks at the empty pods and schematics for a new design for 17 and 18.

Gero: Android 8 was thought to be defective because of it developed emotion like a human. I wonder if the human element is the key.

Narrator: Dr. Gero gets to work on and learns the secret behind the infinite energy model. Lapis and Lazuli are kidnapped and turned to cyborgs by capturing and taking Android 8 apart. Exhibiting the same behaviors shown in the show 16 systems are given a major overhaul and Gero recreates the body to hold the power the engine holds. Their new mission destroy the Saiyans and demons on Earth.

Everything happens the same as canon with Goku being wished back and the z warriors training with Kami.

The day arrives and the saiyans Nappa and Vegeta appear. The battle takes place with the saibaman as normal. Dr. Gero is in the background with Android 16. Dr. Gero with dodorias power level and 16 with a similar power level. (Nero is also an android with the infinite absorption model)

Nobody can sense their energy so they watch gathering data for 17 and 18 and the ultimate life form cell. They observe as Nappa takes down the z fighters 1 by 1. With only Piccolo, Krillin and Rohan left zero makes his presence known.

Vegeta: Oh what do we have here? An old man and his pack mule. 

Nappa: Something to fight while we wait for Kakarot.

Vegeta: (smirks) I suppose I’ll have some fun while we wait.

Vegeta pushes his scouter to scan their levels. Vegeta begins to laugh and mock them.

Nappa: Vegeta, what does the scouter say about their power level?

Vegeta: (turns off the scouter): I’m not getting a reading off those two even the Arlyans had a power level.

Android 16 charges at the saiyan kicking him into the air and going for a follow up where Vegeta barely dodges.

Vegeta: What the… Nappa they must be suppressing their powers.

Nappa: What?!

Gero(smiles): Not quite saiyan

Piccolo: Whatever is going on it’s only going to get more intense.

Krillin: We’re completely outclassed. I don’t know if Goku would be able to keep up.

The ground starts shaking as Gero flees his power. Rocks floating around him. Vegeta and Nappa go to full power as well. The wind and debris blow the remaining cameramen and helicopters away. It takes everything the z fighters have to not be pushed/sent flying from the power.

Piccolo: What power!?

The battle between Saiyan and androids commence Vegeta and Kappa realize they are outclassed real quick.

Gero: I think we’ve gathered enough data. Finish this 16!!!

 Vegeta grits his teeth and creates a giant ball in the sky. The saiyans begin their transformation into giant apes.

Dr. Gero: What’s this?!

Gero notices the energy ball in the sky.

Gero: #16 destroy that ball of energy.

Android 16 diverts his attention from Vegeta to take out the ball of energy Vegeta swats the android down. Meanwhile the remaining Z-fighters have a monkey problem of their own.

Nappa: Looks like the brat transformed too.

Vegeta: (Vegeta laughs):  I hope you’re ready to die old man. You’re calculations couldn’t prepare you for this.

16 prepares a massive blast

The blast does almost no damage to Vegeta however Nappa is damaged. Gero and 16 now on the defensive. They fly away from Vegeta easily dodging Nappa who was weakened.

Krillin: Gohan don’t you recognize us.

Piccolo: Come on Gohan snap out of it.

Gohan swings wildly.

Piccolo: This isn’t working. 

Piccolo flies towards the other apes and then he blasts Gohan.

Krill: What!? What are you thinking Piccolo.

Gohan turns around sees the other apes. He doesn’t realize Piccolo shot the blast. Gohan shoots a mouth blast of his own. Nappa is hit and stumbles.

Nappa: Well Kid I was gonna hold off on killing you cause you’re a saiyan but you’ve going to be a nusaince and these bastards made me angry. 

Nappa runs towards Gohan the two begin fighting. Suddenly a huge energy is felt by Piccolo and Krillin.

Krillin: Is that?!

Piccolo: Well it’s about time.

Goku flies by a ball of light in his hand. Tossing it at Great ape Vegeta.

 Krillin: What the!?

The blast pushes Piccolo back and sends Krillin flying. The spirit bomb sends Vegeta flying into the sky in the same manner with him barely escaping and in worse shape than in canon.

Krillin: Welcome back Goku!! What was that?

Goku: Hey guys sorry I’m late. It’s called the spirit bomb. King Kai taught it to me. Did’t expect to need it so soon though.

Piccolo: Impressive attack Goku. Think you can muster up another one.

Goku: Using it again could be dangerous. The spirit bomb isn’t my power it’s the energy from he  all life on Earth taking more could harm them.

Krillin: What…? That’s amazing Goku you go anything else that can stop the other two apes.

Goku: Actually I don’t. May other technique is kind of a last resort.

Piccolo and Krillin: What?!

Goku: As a matter a fact I still sent the other. He still has plenty of energy to fight with. 

Nappa and Gohan still battling.

 Goku: We have to turn them back. Piccolo think you can destroy the energy ball in the sky while me and Krillin last off the tails. =

Piccolo nods and smirks.

Piccolo: To think I’d be working with you again.

Goku smiles before looking ahead with a serious look.

Goku: We've got one shot with this. Let’s go!!!

Krillin, Piccolo, and Goku take off. Nappa irritated and distracted doesn’t notice Goku behind charging a kaiaked Kamehameha. Krillin uses a destructor disk. The plan is a success int he distance. Dr. Gero takes notice of Goku's return.

With all the great apes reverting to normal the only ones able to defeat/threaten Gero and 16 are gone. Gero looks angered by Goku's return.

Gero: Damn you Goku (he says to himself) #16 Destroy all the saiyans.

Zfighters: What?!

Krillin steps up next to Goku.

Goku: Stay back.

Krillin: Goku why!? Those two are stronger than the apes. You are gonna need all the help you can get.

Piccolo: He wants you to watch/protect Gohan. Because he too is a saiyan. Get him out of here.

Goku (smirks): You’re staying Piccolo?

Piccolo: We still have a score to settle. 

Goku tosses a senzu to Krillin. Goku and Piccolo charge to full power preparing for a fight agains the android. They charge into the Android 16. The fight mimics their battle with Radiate. Gohan wakes up thanks to the sense bean. (With zenkaiv boost) Krillin and Rohan watch in Awe at the battle. 16 has the clear advantage knocking them back but the two keep bouncing back with Goku increasing his Kaio ken to x3. 

The three get locked in a beam struggle. 

16: HELL FLASH!!!!

Goku: KAMEHAMEHA!!!!!!

King Kai:  NO!! Goku that’s the limit any more and you’ll explode.

Goku: It’s the only way King Kai. KAIOKEN TIMES 4!!!!

The blast is pushed back and 16 is destroyed.

Gero: 16!! 

Gero grits his teeth clenches his fist

Gero: No not again… my son…GOKU!!!!! How dare you!!! YOU WILL

Since the Z-fighters can’t sense Dr.Gero he manages to sneak closer to the Z-fighers. Roku collapses to his knee because of the strain on his body. Gohan and Krillin run towards Goku and Piccolo.

Krillin: You did it Goku!!

Gohan: My dad and Mr. Piccolo can do anything.

The group shares a laugh.


An explosion from Geros eye beams the z-fighers are blown back. The dust settles Gero has Gohan.

Everyone: GOHAN!!!!

Goku: PUT HIM DOWN!!!!

Gohan: DADDY!!!

Gero: I will take from you what you have taken from me Goku.

Krillin: We don’t even know you!!!

Gero: Oh? Do you know of the Red Ribbon army?

Goku: Red Ribbon Army?

Gero: No matter. Whether you remember or not your debt will be paid!!

Yarjirobe attempts to slice at Gero his sword breaks and Krillin attacks as well both completely helpless as Gero snaps Gohans neck. 

Everyone stops in shock.

Gero: I made the mistake of forgetting bout the Dragonballs. I figure this is how you came back. I’ll destroy you and all of your friends. No resurrections this time.

Piccolo and Trillin engaged attack. Gero easily dodges and blasts Piccolo back. He tosses Gohan's lifeless body at Krillin. While distracted with catching the body Gero appears in front of Krillin and blasts him away destroying both Gohan and Krillins body. 

Goku is in shock, the rocks around him rise lighting crashes. Vegeta and Nappa are seen regaining consciousness to see Goku rising to his fact his pupils gone. His hair phasing between black and gold.

Vegeta: Can he be… the legendary Super Saiyan.

Nappa: impossible!!! NO low class could possibly…

Gero: How does it feel to lose those close to you Goku. To lose your son!! Tell me Goku How does it…

Goku let’s out a roar solidifying his transformation. The Saipan’s, Yajirobe, and Piccolo look on in awe.

Gero: WHAT?!

Goku faster than anyone can perceive appears in front of Gero punching him through the stomach.

Gero: Impossible!!! Damn you.

Goku becomes a blur as he launches a vicious assault on Dr. Gero destroying his artificial limbs.

Gero: This isn’t over!! You and everyone you love will be destroyed!!!

Gero manages a blast with his remaining arm. Goku walks through it. Goku charges a super Kamehameha. Completely destroying Dr. Ger. Goku his anger not satisfied yells, the cliffs, rocks,  the remaining fighters are pushed back. Two pods are seen landing near by. 

Goku appears and destroys them. Goku walks up to Veneta and Nappa.

Goku: Which one Piccolo?

Piccolo: What?

Goku: Which one killed my friends?

Piccolo: The bald one!

Nappa: Now Kakarot wait!!!

Goku blasts him completely eradicating him. Goku then looks at Vegeta.

Vegeta: To think that the first Super Saiyan in a thousand years would be a low class clown. What now Kakarot?

Goku: You know what I am. A whole history lost to me. I don’t want my past to cause issues for my family and friends. Because of Pilaf King Piccolo killed Roshi, Chaioztu and Krillin. Because my brother your partner killed my friends and now because of me my son and best friend are dead. I will spare you for now. Don’t make me regret this.

If you enjoyed this story and play sparking zero be sure to play the mission by using this Search ID: 1-172-751-466 on PSN and stay tuned because we have many more missions to come.

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